hello there. if you managed to find this, this is the part of my website where i leave secrets that i wouldn't share with my friends, nor family. these are extremly personal & do not attack me for it.

sometimes, i feel i like i won't make it out there, but rather work at a dead end job, such as starbucks, & never succeed in life.

i have this feeling that the people around me sort of hate me & that i'm an annoying peice of shit, specifically, the love my life, who i will only refer to as happy.

if i ever do get famous, will i be harrased by the paprazzi, or will i be left alone if i hid my face?

i feel like i'm hated by the others around me at school.

my own inner voices sometimes eat me inside out, sometimes in public. the only reason people haven't seen me have a mental breakdown in the middle of the school hallway is because i hide it & tell nobody about it.